💛365 days of Gratitude 🙏 Day 115 🌺
God gives us many opportunities in life. I just found out that i won't have a job in the New Year. I was overwhelm with this information because i don't know what to do. Well i do but i don't at the same time if that even makes sense. Anyway, so many other opportunities are arising as days goes by. I am very scared of what's ahead of me but at the same time, i am excited. I'm still not sure how to move forward but i'm sure it will manifest itself to me. All i have is faith, faith in the Source that's within me and out of me. For he has brought me to where i am now. All the mistakes, trials, challenges and people that comes and goes. I am bless to have people in my life that do not judge me for all those wrong I've made in my life.
I am grateful to people beside me that helps me understand myself more and more everyday and that i can talk to everyday. I am thankful for my new and like minded friends whom helped me see only the greatness in me and i have not yet see now manifested but i know i have them. I am not perfect because i have many demons i have inside that I'm currently working.
Don't be afraid of what's ahead. These transitions and changes will be for your own greatness. Keep going forward fearlessly and be at peace.
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