💛365 days of Gratitude 🙏 Day 110🌺
Catching up on blogging and my Gratitude. In my culture, family aren’t very supportive of family. They either tell you you’re doing terrible, strive harder, relative competing with relatives, someone always has to be above and everyone else must be below and what you do is ever enough or relatives being jealous of relatives. This is how my upbringing has been. Nothing is ever good enough or I’m just not good enough. And this is where my growth struggle because I know for a fact that I’ve done a lot of growing this year but somehow it’s not good enough. I feel like I can do more without feeling burnt out or exhausted.I struggled throughout my college career even in grad school which I withdrew after a semester even though it was the best grade I’ve ever had. Not because I couldn’t do it but because I could not handle working full time, going to school full time in an accelerated program, being in a relationship that no longer served me and depressed at the same time and learning to cope with my dyslexia during school. These brought major stressed in my body, mind and soul. I give kudos to those who have overcome obstacles in their life because I know the hard work that they must do.Back to family - being unwanted and feeling unwanted from my own family was the worst experienced I’ve endured. Till this day I still don’t know why i was so disliked. But the one person I could count on was the one person I haven’t seen in two decades. This person has given me more motivation and inspiration in the past few months since I’ve seen her. She and I were great friend since we were kids, my business partners and partner in crime. She’s endured more than I have because she pursued her own success and she did it all on her own. She has a wonderful loving and crazy family which I love dearly.Few things I love about her:1. She does not complete with me
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