Tuesday, June 21, 2016

{Part 3} 5 Yoga Poses to practice without looking stupid

After taking you through easy stretches and in hope that your flexibility has slightly improved since Part 2 of Yoga Poses to Practice Without Looking Stupid. In Part 3 we will be working on a few intermediate yoga poses. Even though I said intermediate trust me it’s easy: once again you will have the help of the wall. When you practice this consistently you will be able to do them without the wall and with correct alignment and postures.

Materials: Yoga block or book or a chair and wall.
Breath: Inhale and Exhale are considered as one set of breath.


              C:\Users\User\Desktop\Part 3 Stupid Yoga\GOPR0360-1.jpg     C:\Users\User\Desktop\Part 3 Stupid Yoga\GOPR0364-1.jpg

Position: Stand with your heels against the wall, spread your feet apart as wide as you can. Start with right side, pivot the pinky toe against the wall and bend the knee. Bring arms to shoulder level, turn head toward the bent knee.

Alignment: Right heel is aligned with the back arch of the opposite foot. Right knee and hip leans on the wall, knee and ankle are stacked together. Pull heart forward, engage core and press against the wall. Push through the outer edge of the back feet and tighten thigh. Then lengthen your shoulder by rolling it up back and down.

Benefit: Strengthens and stretches legs and ankles. Increases stamina. Good for sciatica stretch, flat feet, infertility and osteoporosis.

Breath: Hold for 5 sets of breath. Repeat on the other side.


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Position: Keeping the Warrior II position, glide your back hand to your back knee, thigh or hips, depending on your range of motion. Front follows as you reach up and lean back.

Alignment: Stay in the same alignment at Warrior II plus hips and shoulders are pressed against the wall, core engaged. Thumb is against the wall; keep your gaze up. If this strains the knee, look down.

Benefit: Lengthen and stretches the side body. Improves balance and mobility of spine.

Breath: Hold for 5 sets of breath. Repeat on the other side.


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Position: Stand with your side by the wall. With a slight bend on the knees slowly lift your right leg up. At the same time extend and lengthen your torso forward and toward the floor. Clap your hand together; stretch and lengthen.

Alignment: Left foot is planted on the floor. Right leg, hips, torso, and arms are horizontally aligned. Biceps are pressed by the ears, back leg toes point towards the floor. Core and legs are flexed. Look at your toes

Benefit: Helps with balance. Strengthens legs, back and ankle.

Breath: Hold for 5 sets of breath. Repeat on the other side.


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C:\Users\User\Desktop\Part 3 Stupid Yoga\GOPR0351-1.jpg

Position: Stay in the Warrior III position. Slowly lower left hand to the floor using the wall as a support, use a yoga block or chair. Right hand glides up parallel to the opposite hand.

Alignment: Left foot planted on the floor. Press shoulder, back, butt, arms and leg against the wall. Flex the entire body for more support.

Benefit: Helps with lower back pain. Strengthens back, legs, hips and abdomen. Increases flexibility of spinal muscles. Eases premenstrual pressure.

Breath: Hold for 5 sets of breath. Repeat on the other side.


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C:\Users\User\Desktop\Part 3 Stupid Yoga\GOPR0353-1.jpg

Position: Stand against the wall in the Tadasana pose from Part 1. Stand with heels against the wall. Separate feet apart as wide as you can. Start with the right side, pivot the pinky toe against the wall. Both legs are kept straight. Arms are extended shoulder level. Slowly glide right hand down to your chin while aligned with the other hand.

Alignment: Right pinky toe and back heel are pressed against the wall. Lean shoulder, back, butt, arms and leg on the wall. Flex the entire body for more support.

Benefit: Helps relieve stress and anxiety; improves digestion; stretches the hips, groins, hamstrings and calves.

Breath: Hold for 5 sets of breath. Repeat on the other side.

The divine in me honors the divine in you. I recognize my true essence in every soul I meet. I am you, you are me, and we are one. 
<3 Namaste <3

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