Thursday, July 31, 2014


I did something I am not proud of back in March after my trip to Costa Rica. I went out with a friend I met in Costa Rica and I decided to drive while intoxicated. On the upside, I am grateful I was caught before I could hurt anyone, lesson learned. Anyway, I am car-less for the next few weeks. Thankful to have families and friends who are willing to help. Blessed that I still manage to smile and laugh with all the obstacle in my life

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Last week was touch, it was tiresome, restlessness and emotionally draining. I think it might have been the new moon shift and I can accept that. However this week has been the opposite. I have been smiling and very MerryAnnMP. I hope it stays this way. But I must learn to let go of the idea that as much as I want to always be happy, there will also times when things are difficult. I need to accept that difficulties is a passing moment, learning experience and growth. 
“As spiritual searchers we need to become freer and freer of the attachment to our own smallness in which we get occupied with me-me-me. Pondering on large ideas or standing in front of things which remind us of a vast scale can free us from acquisitiveness and competitiveness and from our likes and dislikes. If we sit with an increasing stillness of the body, and attune our mind to the sky or to the ocean or to the myriad stars at night, or any other indicators of vastness, the mind gradually stills and the heart is filled with quiet joy. Also recalling our own experiences in which we acted generously or with compassion for the simple delight of it without expectation of any gain can give us more confidence in the existence of a deeper goodness from which we may deviate.” - Ravi Ravindra

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Absolutely Positive

Today was certainly positive and balance. I enjoyed it very much Love

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nothing gonna stop me now

A new beginning is starting in my life so i figure i should document my growth and movement to a better and happy life.
This morning I was so focus on not worrying about making mistakes at work. I became busy at work that i ended up taking an extremely late lunch. I was pretty happy because i was able to finished my work before the day ended. Then I went to Togisala Shorin Ryu Karate to teach Yoga. I had one student a middle age man. I created my own routine and he enjoyed it the class. I gave him a massage at the end of the class and he said I have a healing and magic hands Big Grin
Class went well today and I made someone smile for being in class. My role was that I had fun teaching and learning from others.
Be Absolutely Positive

Monday, July 7, 2014

Means to an end

It has been a while since I update this site. Today I wasn't feeling confident at work and i began messing up. I think because i am conscience of not wanting to make any mistake and I end up messing up. It's because it's I am so worried about it and keep thinking about it. So affirmation is I am confident in my work even thought accounting and I don't go hand in hand. Tomorrow is a new day and it will be better.
What went well is that I was still able to balance my self even thought I left a bit let down by me. My role is that I didn't want that feeling so I had to just let it go and move on.
- Keep laughing -Hehe