Today, I went to an interview for a manager position at MGM. I was nervous as ever and i made sure i practiced my handstand before hand. It took me 10 tries before i could get into the wall because i was determine to be able to headstand against the wall. I was calm while i was driving there and once i got to Beverly Hills all the nerves began shooting in my body. No matter how nervous i was i keep my composure and i managed to survived the interview with HR and Director. There is a second round interview with the CFO and COO but that's if i make to the second round, who knows?
After my interview, on my drive home i noticed that i had began singing and dancing in my car. It dawn on me that things that terrifies me give me adrenaline and motivation to do whatever i desire. It was the same feeling when did surfing and zipping in Costa Rica, i felt alive and motivated. Mind you i am afraid of highs.
What Went Well? That i found out that doing things that i fear motivates and makes me feel alive.
What was your Roll? That i became aware and noticed something important about myself.
Find something wonderful about yourself and express it!