Day 3 - Isaiah differentiates internal-conviction vs external conviction.
“An internal conviction occurs when your own reasoning mind deems a certain action as unproductive or immoral. The weight of an internal conviction is easily lifted by identifying your misstep and correcting it immediately. This type of conviction acts like a beacon, alerting your mind that you’ve done something, or are about to do something, that doesn’t agree with your personal standards. In this way, internal convictions help keep your behavior consistent with your identity. An external conviction is a judgment pressed upon you by someone else. Haters will use this type of conviction to manipulate you and hold you back from your purpose in life, often while advancing their own purpose of living. External convictions can be placed on you subtly by your friends and family members, or more forcefully by your work peers and superiors.”
“Haters push their external convictions onto others to distract themselves from their own internal convictions. It is far easier for haters to plant seeds of fear and obligation in you than it is for them to overcome their own anxieties and feelings of indebtedness.” - This definitely played a role in my life for months. I ended a long term relationship, which no longer serves nor provide growth in my life. I know I didn’t end it well; I did what I knew best at the time. But the thing is we had already been broken up, all I want was to not be associated with him at all. I felt his negativities bringing me down to my lowest. I have apologized few times and it’s the only I could do but it wasn’t enough. He wants me to suffer for what I did. For a while, I took it. I let it get to me and suffer the consequences. I can’t believe I put myself in that situation again. But one day, I have had it and just decided that his actions will no longer affect me, I felt empowered!!!
3 Reason to stop feeling guilty......
1 Guilt is a useless emotion – “Feeling bad about something you did, does not erase the fact that you did it.” I totally agree, I am not saying what I did to him was right. But it was right at the moment and it's for me to find out......right now it is serving me well. I have a lot of demon in me and I am working on it one at a time. Carrying negative emotion surly slowed me down. It was like a dark hole that keep pull me.
2. You are not a sacrificial animal. – I am so used to doing things for other people. I told my best friend. i am tired of living other people's expectations and I knew i was always the opposite of my family but i had to convert to fit in and look where it got me. Living a life of lies that I brought upon myself. but now I'm over it and I have to do me now! I’ve been in the darkness too long. I will confidently "live like a lion" by Isaiah. That being said, I am my own worst enemy because I enslave my thoughts with negativities and carry with me.
“Never offer your time and energy to someone or something as an empty sacrifice. Empty sacrifices breed resentment.” I feel like this is something I do to myself too. The empty promises to myself and to others.
3. “No one deserves a guilt trip and making someone feel guilty is pure evil. The only time other people will try and make you feel guilty is when they want something from you or when they want to feel better about themselves.” I believe this is true. To make someone feel guilty is because a person does not want to take responsibility for their own life or actions. It is much easier to put the blame on someone than to yourself, specially when you do not want to change yourself for the better.
“As soon as you recognize that you’re feeling guilty, you’ve felt guilty long enough. You’ve already served your time. Don’t let haters advance their own purpose of living by forcing their external convictions on you. Focus on moving forward and fulfilling your purpose in life.”